Five Tips for New Runners

If you’re just getting started in running, the process can be intimidating. The internet is full of websites and blogs that show nothing but super-fit people pounding the pavement. Running is a sport that almost anyone can do, so don’t get overwhelmed!

In this post, we’ll look at some tips for new runners to help ease the stress of getting started.

1. Start Out Easy

Don’t go out to fast! That is a mantra for anyone running a long-distance race. Nothing feels worse than running out of steam five miles into a full marathon. The same advice applies to your new running career. Even if you are in great shape, you will need to take it slowly.

Start out with short runs, nothing longer than one or two miles, then you can start building. Also start out with an easy pace. Before pushing yourself too hard, you need to let your muscles adjust to the new motions you’re putting them through. Your initial pace should be comfortable enough to carry a conversation while running.

2. Walking isn’t Failing

If you have to stop and walk for parts of your first few runs, don’t worry! Running is hard. It puts a lot of strain on your body, and it is a complex exercise. Your first few times out may require a few walk breaks. Some runners try to walk for the first minute of every mile they run, to maintain their ability to go the full distance they’ve planned. Be kind to yourself and listen to your body!

3. Review Your Diet

If running causes you any digestive discomfort, take a look at the things you’re eating on the days you run. Not just immediately before a run, but the entire day. Some find that heavy dairy or meat intake before a big run can lead to digestive issues on the trail.

You can also play around with nutrition during the run. If you’ve decided to train for a marathon, you’ll have lots of options for energy gels, drinks, and gummies. All these supplements can wreak havoc on a digestive system, so make sure you’re testing them out before incorporating them into your process.

4. Buy Shoes from a Pro

You’re going to need some new shoes. Instead of relying on the brand of sneakers you’ve always had, give your local running store a visit. The salespeople there will be very knowledgeable about running shoes. They will ask you to run for a minute or two on a treadmill in the store so they can analyze your gait. They’ll be able to help you find a pair of shoes that will meet the exact needs of your feet, such as flat feet, high arches, or any other concern. This kind of analysis will get you in the right pair of shoes and keep you on the road longer.

5. Sign up for a Race

The best way to stick to a new running program is to have an end goal. A great way to set a goal for running is to sign up for a race. If you’re new to running, signing up for a 5k that is a few months in the future will let you have something to work towards. Just don’t bite off more than you can chew!

Please check out any of our workouts, and try one today.


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