Four Benefits of Treadmill Running

Treadmill running is a great tool that any runner can use in their training schedule. Hopping on a treadmill can be a convenient way to get a workout done with less preparation and planning. In this post, we’ll look at some of the most impactful benefits that come from using a treadmill for your regular running workouts, and some of the fun advantages you can get from them.

1. Control Your Pace

When you’re on a treadmill, you can let the machine decide your pace. All you have to do is keep up! A big trap that runners fall into when running outside is slowing down once fatigue sets in. When you’re out on the road, and all you have is your watch to tell you how fast you’re going, it is easy to slowly lose speed especially on those long runs. With a treadmill, you set the speed to the pace that matches your goal for the workout and just have to follow along.

You can also monitor other data points like incline, heart rate, and calorie burn. Most running watches bring these same features for use when you are running outside, but with a treadmill the work involved in doing so is significantly easier.

2. Easier On Your Joints

Most treadmills are built to absorb shock. Running is a hard sport, and the continuous repetitive motion of your foot striking the ground, pounding your entire body weight on it each time, is a primary cause of injury in runners. On a treadmill, you have a slightly cushioned belt along with a shock absorption system that will help to alleviate the beating on your feet, ankles, and knees. Just be sure to try out the different models that are available. Not all treadmills are the same, so be prepared to experience various levels of shock absorption depending on where you work out. Finding a model that is best suited for you is important.

3. Safety Features

A treadmill offers handrails to grab onto when you’re feeling shaky. You can also clip on a safety key that will automatically shut off the machine if you step off the belt. These kinds of safety features are a tremendous help to anyone using a treadmill to get started in running, or if you are coming back from an injury and need to be extra cautious.

4. Follow Custom Programs

Following programs like hill workouts or cardio health sequences are features of many treadmills that you won’t be able to do outside. Sure, you can find hills to run up and down in the great outdoors, but with a treadmill you get to control just how high, far, and hard a workout can be based on your immediate goals. You also get the opportunity to follow along with online classes or other community-based workouts that can help provide that extra boost of motivation. If none of those are interesting to you, you can also turn on a TV or tablet to watch your favorite shows to keep you enterained.

Please check out any of our workouts, and try one today.


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