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Post Your Runs on Instagram!

Don’t be shy! Lots of runners post their runs on Instagram or other social media platforms. Not only is it a great way to share your progress, but you can also help motivate others to take up the sport. The motivation can also come back to you – you might feel more motivated to keep going once your friends and family start cheering you on. This can be especially true if you are training for a race or other goal. Building up a social media cheering section can help keep you accountable to the training plan. In this post, we’ll look at some tips for how to post your best runs on the ‘gram.

Take a Good Pic

This may seem obvious, but no one wants to see you looking sweaty and miserable. Always smile! Remember, running is supposed to be fun. By sharing your run on social media, you should also share the joy of the sport with your network. Try to take a selfie with a big smile that shows how proud you feel of your accomplishment. If you are lucky enough to run somewhere with great scenery, be sure to include and highlight that as well.

Also, don’t be afraid of filters! There is no shame in using the tools of technology to paint yourself and your run in the best possible light.

Include the Details

There are filters you can apply and apps that can help create posts that are specific to running. It can look really cool to have a nice graphic that shares the details of the run: distance, pace, and any other stats that you are comfortable sharing. By including this information, you can let everyone know just how far you’ve come. You’ll also be able to use the posts as data points if you want to look back on any runs and see how you compare.

Share Your Journey

Don’t forget to include the why. In the caption section, you have plenty of space to elaborate your thoughts on each run. While it can be important to talk about the specifics of that actual run, try sharing some of the more personal aspects of your journey as well. If you are training for a race, what made you sign up? How has running impacted your physical and mental health? What kind of benefits and positive changes have you seen in your life since you started running? These kinds of details can be cathartic for you to share, and inspirational for others to read. Imagine the joy you’ll feel if a friend or coworker tells you that they saw your post and decided to go for a run themselves!