Running as Therapy

Everyone on this channel already knows that running is a great way to stay healthy. It is one of the best cardio workouts you can do, and the positive impacts it has on your joints, muscles, and overall physical health are enormous.

But did you know that running can be a great tool to keep yourself mentally healthy as well? In this post we will take a closer look at the mental health benefits of running, as well as some things you can do to maximize the therapeutic gains from running.

Time for Yourself

Taking the time to go for a run is an excellent gift that you can give to yourself. After a long day at work, or a long day of obligations with your family or friends, having an hour or more dedicated solely to something for you can make you feel like a new person.

Running with a club or with a friend is also great, but there is something special about a solo run that can set you up for the day, or help you unwind at the end of the day. By spending time prioritizing your health and well-being, you’ll start seeing an overall improvement in your mental state.

Improved Mood

Any form of exercise can help boost your mood. Running particularly helps in this area. If you spend all day in an office or a classroom, the small details of the day can ruminate in your mind and really bring you down. Going for a run can have an immediate impact on your perspective. It is a great way to relieve stress, to wipe out the anxieties that build up, and to help you prioritize what is important.

The key to capturing this improved mood is to accept the runner that you are. If you spend a lot of time obsessing over pace and distance, if you get easily frustrated over not seeing improvements as fast as you’d like, you’ll have a harder time relaxing. Try to enjoy your runs, and not worry too much.

Improved Self Esteem

As your running improves, you’ll certainly see physical improvements. But you will also start feeling better about yourself! If you sign up for races, the satisfaction you get from beating a PR, achieving a goal, or even just wearing your race medal are all great ways to boost your self-esteem. The next step is to make sure you carry that improved self-image with you throughout the rest of your day and week. Running shouldn’t be something you only feel good about while you’re doing it – you should feel its benefits all day long.

Training Tip: Consider Leaving the Headphones at Home

One way to realize all these benefits is to leave your headphones behind when going for a run. Many runners cannot imagine running without their favorite music or podcast pumping directly into their ears. But consider the opportunity for peace and quiet you’ll get when you don’t have such a distraction. The rhythmic sounds of your feet and your breathing can be a great way to calm your mind and let an almost meditative state take over as you go for a run.


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