Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Best Earphones for Runners

Interested in buying a new set of earphones, but aren’t sure what to get? Technology has really taken off in the last few years, so we’re here to guide you through what’s out there.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Three Benefits of Interval Training on a Treadmill

Intervals can be an essential element of race training. Runners incorporate interval workouts into their training when they’re looking to improve their pace, maximize their cardiovascular stamina, and power themselves through any training plateaus.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Rest Days Are Important!

Recovery is critical to training. Many runners think that they can cut recovery short, or they use loose criteria to decide when they’ve fully recovered from a run.

Without proper recovery between your hardest runs, you’ll risk putting your entire training schedule in jeopardy. In this post, we’ll look at the importance of recovery and some tips for ensuring you’re getting the right amount of rest before setting out on your next run.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Five Valentine’s Day Gifts for Runners

Time is running out if you have other runners in your life that need a Valentine’s Day present! In this post we’ll look at the best gifts to buy for runners, especially if you need to get something to them fast.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Top 5 Running Movies (In Our Opinion)

Looking for some inspiration to keep you excited about your training? Or just looking for a god laugh about the sport we all love so much? Well, this list of our Top 5 favorite running movies will have something for everyone.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

How To Get Back Into Running After a Break

There are plenty of other reasons we may have fallen away from running. Weather, race schedules, or job pressures are all understandable causes for runners taking breaks. Once you’ve taken a couple of weeks off, it can feel like no time until it has been a couple of months. And then a whole year! If that is your story, there’s always time to get back into it. In this post, we’re going to look at how to do just that.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

How Long Should You Cooldown For?

Don’t overlook your cooldown! Taking time after a hard run to properly cool down is especially important. You will maximize the benefits of your run by giving your body a chance to gradually recover. Recovering from your run, preparing for your next one, and staying healthy in between all start with an active cooldown process.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Snacks to Eat or Avoid Before a Run

If you are going for a run that will be more than thirty minutes or three miles, don’t do it on an empty stomach! Eating a big meal before a run is a no-no, but you’ll want to at least have some kind of snack to make sure you give your body the fuel it will need.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Four Benefits of Treadmill Running

Treadmill running is a great tool that any runner can use in their training schedule. Hopping on a treadmill can be a convenient way to get a workout done with less preparation and planning. In this post, we’ll look at some of the most impactful benefits that come from using a treadmill for your regular running workouts, and some of the fun advantages you can get from them.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Strength Training for Runners

Many runners fall into the trap of focusing on their runs and nothing else. An essential part of training includes strength training if you want to improve your times and fitness levels. In this post we’ll look at the best strength training exercises runners should do, as well as how those exercises can help prevent injury.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Yoga For Runners

Yoga is a fantastic complement to running. If you’ve been putting in some pretty heavy mileage, your body is taking a beating. Getting involved with a regular yoga practice can help make your stretching time more impactful, while helping you develop flexibility in the areas that most runners have issues with.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Our Three Favorite Running Books

There’s no shortage of books out there about running. Lots of runners and coaches have taken the time to write down their experiences and share them with the rest of us. In this post, we’ll look at three books we recommend about running that we think will help you learn more about the sport while keeping you entertained.

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

Five Tips for New Runners

If you’re just getting started in running, the process can be intimidating. The internet is full of websites and blogs that show nothing but super-fit people pounding the pavement. Running is a sport that almost anyone can do, so don’t get overwhelmed!

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Loukas Theodorou Loukas Theodorou

When to Buy New Running Shoes

Your shoes are the most important piece of equipment you’ll have as a runner. Make sure you find a pair that works best for you. Also, knowing when you need to upgrade to a new pair is critical to keep you running!

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